PAHO Recommends Rapid Antigen Testing

(Jamaica Information Service Press Release) The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is recommending that member countries prioritise rapid antigen testing for persons experiencing coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms and who are at risk of spreading the virus.

Speaking during PAHO’s weekly digital COVID-19 media briefing on Wednesday (January 19), Director, Dr. Carissa Etienne, said the recommendation comes against the background of surging COVID-19 cases across the region, a prevailing testing shortage, and demands for this service, which she notes are “higher than ever”.

“As many countries in our region are also experiencing an active [influenza] season… it’s critical that [they] use tests smartly,” she noted.

The Director added that individuals who are asymptomatic and have or think they have been exposed to COVID-19 should be advised to quarantine, when possible, and follow effective public health measures, including mask wearing, physical distancing, and avoiding large gatherings.

Dr. Etienne also encouraged member countries to scale up their testing regime by leveraging the rapid antigen procedure.

Read more at: Jamaica Information Service


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