Webinar Launching Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Activities in the Caribbean through the Spotlight Initiative

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat will be hosting a webinar launching the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) activities in the Caribbean through the Spotlight Initiative. This webinar will provide an outline of the CSE activities to be implemented through the SI. Participants will also have an opportunity to provide inputs in accelerating these efforts. Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, discussion will include how to prioritize CSE in these COVID-19 times, as well as examples on how the region can utilize innovative ways to strengthen the delivery of CSE during and post COVID-19. Your media house is being invited to attend:

Event: Opening ceremony for a Webinar launching Comprehensive Sexuality Education activities in the Caribbean through the Spotlight Initiative

Date: Wednesday February 10, 2021

Time: 9am – 11am (EST)

Location: Virtually https://facebook.com/UNFPACaribbean

Speakers: Ms. Alison Drayton

Director & Representative

UNFPA Sub-Regional Office for the Caribbean

Mrs. Helen Royer

Director, Human Development

CARICOM Secretariat


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